Big Black Block

Have you ever been through times in your life in which you felt nothing is going right? In fact, not only nothing can go right, but also – everything is wrong. It seems like no matter what you do, it goes the wrong way, you are stuck and there is no way to turn to. It is like there is a big black block right in front, closing down on you.

We all have times like this. It is part of our life experience that these times come and go. But here is the thing, when we feel we face this kind of a big black block, we have a choice in how we want to deal with it.

We can turn around and walk away, give up and forget everything we have accomplished right until we got to this barrier. We can also sit beside it, be passive and decide that this is the best that we can get. We can even try to climb it, break it, blow it up, jump over – you name it.

There is, however, another option. We can stay, observe and change our perception. What does it mean? It means that, first, we need to accept the reality as it is – yes, we are going through a challenging time in our life, something is off, we are extremely unhappy and frustrated. We need to accept that this is our current reality. By accept I don’t mean we need to put up with it, not at all! Accept means that we need to be honest about the realness of what we are going through. No sugarcoating, no romanticising – it is what it is.

There is magic to accepting the reality as it is. Because once we do that, we stop wasting so much energy in trying to tell ourselves a different story. The war we have declared on this big black block has ended, and we are now available to change our perception.

Is this really a ‘block’ or an opportunity? Does it really close down on us, or there is a hidden ladder somewhere on it, a small crack for us to go through? Is it really that big of a block, or is it just our perception, and once we changed our point of view, we’d realise this is actually a small cobblestone.

We all face these blocks from time to time, it’s part of life. These “blocks” are not a curse, or bad-luck or a sign from the universe we need to give up. These blocks are opportunities, a wonderful tool for us to look within ourselves, to question our perception and to be willing to stay around long enough to realise they are a blessing in disguise.

It’s not a barrier, it is yet another stepping stone in this magical journey.

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